Who We Serve

Food & Beverage Industry
Hot Fill, Low & High Acid Aseptic & Pasteurization
Rarely do our food research clients need to run only 1 type of product. So, in addition to accurately simulate production processes, we designed the flexibility to run a wide range of products, at a wide range of processes right into our equipment.
With unequalled success, our equipment is used worldwide to make production quality samples of beverages, juices, soy-milks, protein shakes/smoothies, meal replacements and even deserts like puddings and ice cream.
Whether you are hot-filling, running a high or low acid indirect aseptic line, or steam injecting, our equipment provides precision processing and flexibility to run multiple products accurately at multiple conditions.

Dairy Industry
UHT, Aseptic & Pasteurization Processes
MicroThermics’ equipment streamlines your product development, dramatically reduces development costs, and gets your products to market faster than you may have ever thought possible.
As the leader in process simulation for dairy processes, our equipment is used to make production quality samples of; milk, flavored milks, cream, ice cream, yogurts puddings, and more!
Whether you are pasteurizing your products, or running a steam injection aseptic line, the science and technology behind our designs enables you to process multiple formulations quickly, and go directly to the plant with a working formula.