MicroThermics Health Screening
As of January 2022, the definition of “Fully Vaccinated” was updated. It has considerable ramifications for who must quarantine in the event of being exposed to COVID.
To be considered full vaccinated, you must be:
- Within 5 months of receiving your 2nd shot of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines OR
- Within 2 months of receiving the first shot of J&J vaccine OR
- More than 2 weeks after receiving a 3rd shot (booster) shot of Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J.
If you don’t fall into one of these 2 categories, you are not fully vaccinated and must follow protocols for being un-vaccinated.
MicroThermics promotes and enjoys a COVID safe environment. Our protocols are based on guidance from the CDC and similar organizations and have enabled us to:
- Keep our staff and visitors safe
- Prevent the spread of COVID-19 at our facility
- Continue to support our clients and grow our company throughout the pandemic.
Everyone entering must fill out our health screening (below). At this time, we are a fully masked facility regardless of vaccination status. MicroThermics will supply masks and any additional PPE that we require.
You may also be subject to additional screening measures, including, but not limited to, body temperature readings and negative COVID test requirements if required. We reserve the right to deny entry to our facility to anyone showing signs of illness, regardless of vaccination status.
Failure to comply will result in the denial to enter or remain in our facility. Management reserves the right to deny or rescind access to anyone who, in their opinion, represents a risk due to infection, illness, or behavior. Employees who are unable to work from home and for whom entry is refused or rescinded must use PTO for the length of time they cannot work due to such circumstances.