Register Now For This Free Webinar Event
Consumers are demanding an ever-growing range of plant-based products. Milks and drinks are just the tip of the plant-based iceberg. Meal replacements, ice creams, puddings, sauces, and even cultured products like yogurts are increasingly popular.
Plant-based products must be sterilized or pasteurized prior to sale. However, while in high demand, they are notably more delicate than their dairy-based counterparts. Processing can dramatically change their flavor, viscosity, texture, color, and even nutrient content. This makes process selection critical, and underscores the importance of using lab-scale commercial style processes in the development of plant-based products.
Webinar Details
Which process is right for your plant-based products? Pasteurization? Extended Shelf-Life (ESL)? Hot-Fill? Aseptic? We will look at:
- Pros and cons of common processes
- Effects of these processes on Plant-Based Products
- Should you homogenize? Where, how, and why?
- Considerations for choosing the best process for your plant-based products
We will also discuss some emerging common trends, providing valuable insights for your product development. We can’t wait to see you there!
Presentation: This webinar will be facilitated by David M. Miles, Executive Vice-President at MicroThermics, Inc and will last approximately 30-minutes followed by 30-minute Q&A
Eastern USA & Western Europe
May 21, 2024
9:30 AM EST
N. & S. America, & UK
May 21, 2024
11:00 AM EST
Australia, China, India,
Japan, Thailand, Singapore
May 22
10:00 PM EST